Why choose CBT?

CBT is a short term Psychotherapy that accords with common sense and appeals to people who are logical minded. It focuses on the here and now and avoids dwelling on the past. It helps people change their negative feelings and low motivation. They become more optimistic and feel uplifted and hopeful. It makes them have a curious “test-it- out” approach to life rather than jumping to negative or premature conclusions about themselves or other people. It is recommended by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) as the gold standard psychological treatment for depression and anxiety. You can attract NHS and EAP referrals by being skilled in CBT. Done sensitively, it is as satisfying for the client as for the therapist. It can also make a positive difference to your relationships!

This course is jam packed with over 35 handouts to aid you from start to finish with this popular, sought out modality, its been awarded 12 CPD hours it really is the Ultimate Toolkit!

Course Curriculum

Click each module to see the contents.

    1. Special Course Terms.

    2. Module 1 - Printable slides

    3. Module 1.1 - The Underlying Principles of CBT

    4. Module 1.2 - How can CBT lead to change?

    5. End of Module 1 Quick Quiz

    1. Module 2 - Printable Slides

    2. Module 2 - Behavioural Neuroscience

    3. End of Module 2 Quick Quiz

    1. Module 3 - Printable Slides

    2. Module 3.1 - The Structure of CBT in Therapy.

    3. Handout 3.1 - Vicious & Virtuous Cycles

    4. Handout 3.1.1 - AEDM_DSM5

    5. Handout 3.1.2 - ASM_DSM5

    6. Handout 3.1.3 - Fear Questionnaire.

    7. Handout 3.1.4 - GAD 7

    8. Handout 3.1.5- HAI with Scoring.

    9. Handout 3.1.6 - HAI

    10. Handout 3.1.7 -Goldbert Depression Expression Scale.

    11. Handout 3.1.8 - PHQ 9

    12. Handout 3.1.9 - MDQ

    13. Module 3.2 - The Formulation of CBT.

    14. Handout 3.2 - Jacqueline Persons 2007 CBT Case Formulation

    15. Handout 3.2.1 - SMART goals.

    16. Handout 3.2.2 - Therapy Blueprint.

    17. End of Module 3 Quick Quiz

    1. Module 4 - Printable Slides

    2. Module 4.1 - Basic CBT Techniques - Part 1

    3. Handout 4.1 Dysfunctional Thoughts

    4. Handout 4.1.1 - Fact or opinion

    5. Handout 4.1.2 ABC Belief Monitoring

    6. Handout 4.1.3 Unhelpful Thinking

    7. Module 4.2 - Basic Techniques cont...

    8. Handout 4.2 READING - Do we need to challenge thoughts in CBT

    9. Handout 4.2.1- Prompts for Challenging Negative Thinking

    10. Handout 4.2.2 STOPP

    11. Handout 4.2.3 STOPP worksheet

    12. Handout 4.2.4 Stopp Cards

    13. Handout 4.2.5 Muscle Relaxation

    14. Handout 4.2.6 What is Mindfulness

    15. Module 4.3 - Other CBT Techniques

    16. End of Module 4 Quick Quiz

    1. Module 5 - Printable Slides

    2. Module 5.1 - Case Formulation, Irrational beliefs and the ABC model.

    3. Handout 5.1 READING - Case formulation approach.

    4. Handout 5.1.1 Case Formulation Template

    5. Handout 5.1.2 - Belief Driven Formulation

    6. Handout 5.1.3 CBT Thought Record

    7. Module 5.2 - Planning a CBT Session

    8. End of Module 5 Quick Quiz

    1. Module 6 - Printable Slides

    2. Module 6.1 - Dialectic Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

    3. Module 6.2 - Solution Focused Therapy (SFT)

    4. Module 6.3 - Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT)

    5. Handout 6.3 - ACT Case Formulation Template

    6. Module 6.4 - Behavioural Therapy (BT) and Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT).

    7. End of Module 6 Quick Quiz

About this course

  • £95.00
  • 87 lessons
  • 6 hours of video content
  • Interactive

    A fully interactive online CPD, watch on any device, watch & listen on your way to work. Watch in your own time at your own pace.

  • Easy Payment

    Our seamless payment platform allows you to pay securely, quickly and effortlessly.


  • I want to get going now, when does it start?

    The course is now live!

  • Is this a weekly course or can I do it at my own pace?

    The course will be available in full so you can complete it in one go or you can spread your learning out at your own pace.

  • Is this a 'Live' real time course?

    No, all learning material is in way of Powerpoint presentation, video, handouts, quizzes etc so you can complete the course at your own pace.

  • Do I get a Completion Certificate?

    Yes, there is a Completion Certificate at the end of the course once you have completed 100% of it.

  • How long will it take me to complete? How long do I have access to it?

    You have access to the full course for life so it's entirely led by you.

  • Is the CPD Accredited?

    No - a CPD does not need to be accredited by anyone, it is continual professional development. Reading a book comes under CPD hrs for membership bodies. All tutors are qualified and already teach CPD's.

Course Reviews

5 star rating

CBT Toolkit - fantastic add on for an experience qualifie...

Caroline Dickson

Fantastic course that i have been using with virtual clients during lockdown - I have used the work sheets and helped my clients. Thank you

Fantastic course that i have been using with virtual clients during lockdown - I have used the work sheets and helped my clients. Thank you

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5 star rating

CBT Toolkit

Louise Holyoake

Excellent! Love that you can dip in and out when you want to and that the courses remain available to refresh as well.

Excellent! Love that you can dip in and out when you want to and that the courses remain available to refresh as well.

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star rating


The Counselling Academy Director Esjai Mason.

Esjai is a Relate trained & Qualified Counsellor. She completed her 240hr voluntary work placement in East London & Kent. She has over 25 years in Counselling and the Voluntary Sector working with charities helping young vulnerable adults to Age concern. She is passionate about helping others heal their relationship wounds. She pulls in a vast array of theoretical modalities alongside years of Life Coaching and life experiences to work with her couple clients. She focuses on solution rather than problem based therapy, which works really well in triadic work. Sj is also a qualified EMDR & Rewind therapist and works with PTSD & Complex PTSD.

Words for Cognitive behaviour Therapy

Counselling, Therapy, Psychological, Feelings, Behaviours, Learn, negative, anxiety, Depression, Self-steam, Confidence, Addiction, Anger, PTSD, CBT, Post traumatic stress, Anger, Eating Disorders, Phobias, Insomnia, Negative thoughts, course, courses., Training.

Reviews for this course.

5 star rating

Im glad i did it

colleen Shelswell

There were elements that were new to me and ways of approaching the topics that were helpful. thank you

There were elements that were new to me and ways of approaching the topics that were helpful. thank you

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5 star rating

CBT Toolkit

Louise Holyoake

Excellent! Love that you can dip in and out when you want to and that the courses remain available to refresh as well.

Excellent! Love that you can dip in and out when you want to and that the courses remain available to refresh as well.

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5 star rating

A thorough and practical course.

Joanne Thompson

Superb. Exceeded what I was looking for and will really benefit my client work. An excellent addition to my toolkit as a counsellor, with some extremely usef...

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Superb. Exceeded what I was looking for and will really benefit my client work. An excellent addition to my toolkit as a counsellor, with some extremely useful handouts.

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5 star rating

CBT Toolkit - fantastic add on for an experience qualifie...

Caroline Dickson

Fantastic course that i have been using with virtual clients during lockdown - I have used the work sheets and helped my clients. Thank you

Fantastic course that i have been using with virtual clients during lockdown - I have used the work sheets and helped my clients. Thank you

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5 star rating

CBT Toolkit

Louise Holyoake

Excellent! Love that you can dip in and out when you want to and that the courses remain available to refresh as well.

Excellent! Love that you can dip in and out when you want to and that the courses remain available to refresh as well.

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